2012 - The End Of The World?

2012 =  The end of the world?

        Recently i have came across many interesting theories and stories about the doomsday, which falls on the 21st of December, this year. This date is regarded as the end-date of a 5125-year-long-cycle, based on the Mayan Long Count Calender. Many beliefs in ancient world had predicted this 2012 phenomenon, such as the famous Mayan Calendar, the Chinese I Ching (易经), the Calendar of Stone of the Egyptians, the Aztec Calendar aka the Sun Stone which was craved at 1479 and many mores.

The Mayan Calendar

        For me, it's not the end of the world definitely, many scientific researches had proposed that it's the start of time of which the Earth and we, the human beings may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and 2012 may mark the beginning of NEW ERA. An era that creates a spiritual without borders and emphasizing that the MIND, BODY & SPIRIT are interrelated and it unites throughout the universe.

        Besides the theories and ancient history and beliefs on the 2012, the other things that i found very interesting related to 2012 is i discovered many extraordinary "people" on the Earth who claims that they are from other planets such as Pleiades, Mars and etc to help us with our spiritual transformation! One of them is Alaje, who claims that he's from the Pleiades, a 6th Density light being and a member of the Galactic Federation of Light, now living in the Germany. You can "watch" him (i dont actually see his face in the video, in fact just hear his voice, but no worry, he's not alien, he has transforms into a human body form lolol) on his youtube channel, "alaje777", the only channel that he passes down his messages to the human beings. You can try to have a look on his videos even though you dont believe in this, 'coz i found that the teachings in his videos on spiritual transformation and how to really express your love and gratitude towards your surrounding & the world, are beneficial and useful for transform yourself to a better person, and of course, our worlds into a better homeland.

         P/S: I have been thinking really hard on what will really happen on that day, is it the same plot and story of the movie "2012"? Or maybe it's just another normal Friday without any special cases, with people updated on their facebook or twitter with "Thank God it's Friday!"? Or maybe i should ponteng from the lectures (if the Mr. President of US didn't make any announcement that our world has been into a state of extreme emergency haha) and travel back to my hometown to accompany my beloved family lolol. And maybe i shall force my dad to apply a one-day-leave too! This's just my imaginary, fantastic though, but as Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited", i strongly believed in him and that's why,  my results are suck (but not for this time!) wtf! 

Mr Einstein said, "Use your imagination!" lolol


        OMG it has been looonnnggg time ago since i last updated my blog. Nothing special happened lately, expect for went back early to my hostel last Saturday, to be well prepared PHYSICALLY & MENTALLY for a WAR --- the RESIT PAPERsss! (P/S: The resit paper is for those who fail in their professional exam, so i should be grateful that i'm given another chance to fight over!) Many seniors were shocked to me at the hostel or campus, PLEASE LAH, i came back to here during the holiday season is just for ONE reason, it's just because i'm the UNLUCKY ONE. So please, dont ask me again "Why are you here?", i would be grateful if you would say "Good luck" or "Believe in yourself", instead, just like my fifth year buddy Xinyi did :) So basically, our routine in this almost DESERT hostel & campus is just WAKE UP-REVISION CLASS-STUDY-SLEEP.

        But the good thing in this desert land is, the wifi access is very very very fast! I can view youtube videos without loading, just a click the video will play from the beginning until the end! But lets hope it will not turn into a bad thing for me for surfing the internet for hours.

        GOD, please let me pass this time, i really really really need to pass this exam, if not, i would have to repeat the whole year! Choi choi choi! Dear GOD, please give me the STRENGTH, the COURAGE, the WISDOM, the LUCK & the POWER to sit for this 6-hour-papers. And also, with your kindness blessings, all the course-mates shall pass the exams! I have many plannings in my to-do list after the exam & before the doomsday (lets see if it really happen), except for wake up, survive & back to sleep, i'm very excited to look for it!

        Also, thanks to the fast access to the internet, i watched the JUST FOR LAUGH videos almost every night to relax a while, and i found this video seriously very very very FUNNY & strongly recommend you to watch it! I love especially the Top 1 & 2 pranks, they had made me laugh crazily like nobody business! The crews of Just For Laugh have the best creativity & the best acting skill to make so much fun of people! Pity them the ''victims'', but thanks to them lah for bringing so much laughter for me!

Jiayou everyone!



  • 路,只有一条,叫“勇敢跑下去”。
  • 跨过挫折,成功就在那头等你。
  • 没有渴望,停止行动,人,就会走向死亡。
  • 转个念头,改变心境,付诸行动,幸福就在自己手里。
  • 凡事靠两力---“努力”与“毅力”。
  • 若再加上三力,那就会更棒了!三力就是---独特的“专业能力”、吸引人的“个人魅力”、做事不拖泥带水的“决断力”。
  • 围墙里跑不出千里马,温室里种不出万年松。
  • 心念有多宽,舞台就有多广。
  • 勇敢面对挫折,总有一天,必能乘风起飞。
  • 生命没有回程票,学习容忍别人的不完美。
  • 低潮就是高潮的前奏曲。
  • 机会是主动争取来的,不是天上掉下来的。
  • 毅力,会让挫折变成礼物。
  • 态度,决定一个人的高度。
  • 苦难,是化了妆的祝福。
  • 天资,是上帝给的,要感谢;
  • 让自己有新眼光,看见别人的智慧和美好。
        戴晨志博士其它作品包括《力量来自渴望》、《激励高手》、《人际沟通高手》、《壮大自己,让人看得起》、《把嘲笑当激励》等等都值得一看,建议大家可以到大众书局(Popular Bookstore)买海滨出版社(Seashore)出版的简体中文版本,其版本每一页都有美丽的插画,让人看了赏心悦目呵。





It's holiday!

        Yeah i was finally at home! I feel so GREAT being at home, although i just did nothing, sticked at the sofa watching tv for the whole night with family, turned over the fridge searching for so many desserts and settled them all with family and turned up woke up late around 11.30am today. After having chee cheong fan as my brunch (it's breakfast + lunch) while enjoying Final Destination, i helped my parents doing the house chores, in fact, i love doing house chores when i'm in good mood, or maybe doing house chores boosted my mood up. Later, my parents and my sister planned to homemade and handmade some sushi, i just sited at there staring at them cutting the crab meats and the cucumber. While the japanese rice was ready, i wrapped some sushi and california hand rolls and decorated them so nicely to treat my stomach! Too bad my phone was spoiled, cant capture those colourful and mouth-watering sushi and share with you guys! Nom nom nom.

        Well, me and my dede family went to Genting Highland few days ago, we had so much fun at there although we just sampat-ing and strolling at there. I'm bit lazy to add all the details here, so let the pictures tell you the story!

#1 At the bus stop with jying

#2 I wonder why there were 8 hands
whereas our dede family only have 7 members wtf?

#3 Sweetie was trying hard for a sweet pose

#4 I supposed that the weather was not that cold

#5 That's me!

#6 With miss cb khaw & miss ho

#7 We're big bullies!

#8 Poor little cb khaw~

#9 Enjoying

#10 Holiday mood



#13 Treat these 3 fellows with McDonald's green apple
sundae cones 'coz they win in a bet wtf!
They ran down on the escalator that went up!
Okay you did it & here your cones!

#14 It's lunch time! Maggi hot cup at KFC omg!

#15 Poor little uncle,
but thank God at least i didn't broke his leg!

#16 Tata, till we meet again!
p/s: I love this shades so much!