11 AM

11 AM!

Yeah it was 11 AM.
The time i woke up today.

Feel a bit regret why i woke up so late today
laid in my bed while others were studying the freaking PHYSIOLOGY
normally i used to wake up on 11 AM when i was at home
my bro & sis were even having their nice dreams on that time.

But the situation here is completely not the same
everyone wakes up earlier to study from morning until late night
Studathon, the best definition i can give.

But sadly,
im not that type of facing those deadly notes
from 8am to 12noon
After lunch, continue from 2pm until 6pm
After dinner, continue again from 8pm until late night
Just like my coursemates did.

When my cousemates knocked on my door sharp at 11am
they were totally SHOCKED to see that i were still laying on my bed
the minds came across their mighty brain
that full of blood flow, ventilation & whatever are
A. i studied until late night yesterday so wake up late today
B. i woke up earlier earlier in the morning,
study until very tired then go to take a nap

Guess? The answer is C.
C. im the weird creature that wakes up on 11am, sometimes.

I have to admit that im a bit lazy
i love to learn new things
but lazy to pack up my brain with all those thingy
by memorize & memorize
again & again

People always say, this's just a process
after complete those processes you'll be free
but i never know that those processes have so much procedures
and precautions.

Maybe i just have to learn from them right now
to transform from a weirdo to a normal person
a normal university student.

i miss my secondary school & matriculation's life.