Yes, i have been start to piling up my lectures notes, again. From the first day of Semester 2, until now. Really feel regret and ashamed when the people around me were busying packing up their brain cells, seriously no joking there are like each and every brain cells, with every words every pictures every diagrams that printed in every slides of the lecture notes. And their hands and eyes are always with the lecture notes, not forget about the zillionsss of brain cells too, like cannot separate one, just like Tom and Jerry, no matter where is it when is it how is it. And now i also wonder WHY IS IT. Just like tomorrow there will be a test. A professional exam. Or more suitable a world war, perhaps. If you dont pack up your internal memory up to 500GB, then prepare to die. LOL.
Forget about the studies.
Recently i have been busy recruiting my course-mates and friends to join the competition under the program which i'm the Exco Program. Frankly speaking, this job should be done by the Exco Publicity, but the Felo ordered us Exco Program to do it, we're like a Pengarah of this program now, from calling and inviting the pengetua and felo to creating event and inviting people and recruiting people to join the competition, they are ALL our matters.
But, thanks to my positive thinking mind and the law of attraction, i really feel so happy and blessed and thankful that many of my course-mates are interesting to join the competition, ended up i have found 4 groups which composed of 12 people. Really a thousand BIG THANK YOU to all of you! It's like giving me a hand when i need it the most :)
It's not the happy people that are thankful,
it's the thankful people who are happy!
P/S: Hope this week will end FASTER!
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